How to rivet a motorbike chain: video instructions

How to rivet a motorbike chain: video instructions

Provided you have the right equipment (a chain rivet/drift that fits your chain links) and clear instructions, riveting a motorbike chain is within the reach of all motorcyclists. An explanatory video is better than any long speech; Kit And Ride offers you below a detailed video made by our renowned chain supplier - RK - with the help of one of its technicians using the Chain rivetting tool RK - 420 to 532 chain rivet

NB: This video is valid for all chains with hollow pin ends (such as the RK or JT chain models offered by Kit And Ride): the technician uses a (de)rivet-chain with a conical pin that slightly widens the end of the two pins of the link to be crimped (contrary to chains with solid pin ends requiring a rivet-chain that crushes the outer end of the two pins of the link to be crimped (crush riveting).

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